by IngridBarlow | Feb 19, 2009 | Daily Quilting or Crafting Projects
Company is coming! My parents are coming late tonight for a long weekend to celebrate my 25th birthday. Whenever there are people coming to stay, I allow myself to purchase some flowers for the guest room. (I’ll be honest, I’m not sure if it is more for...
by IngridBarlow | Feb 18, 2009 | Crafting Concoctions
The other night I finished up some more new art for our house. This was a cheap idea inspired by the TV show ColorSplash. I bought 3 art canvases and some paint at a big box crafts store. I think the canvases were about 4 dollars each and the paint is like 67 cents...
by IngridBarlow | Feb 17, 2009 | Daily Quilting or Crafting Projects
So, I’m 2 months behind, but I am finally catching up with Christmas thank you notes! My mother instilled in her children the importance of writing thank yous, and I may not be timely about it, (I hereby make a resolution to change this ugly trait), but I...
by IngridBarlow | Feb 15, 2009 | Quilts
I spent some good quality time in my sewing room today. I have a bad habit of telling myself that I can do whatever I want on the weekends. That means housework and other tiresome duties get neglected. This is a new table runner I made with some Heather Bailey...
by IngridBarlow | Feb 14, 2009 | Daily Quilting or Crafting Projects
We started celebrating love day the eve of with a special treat of homemade caramel and apples. This is quite the addicting snack, so you must limit yourself. Tony and I got on a roll a couple years ago and my cholesterol went through the roof! This morning I got...
by IngridBarlow | Feb 11, 2009 | Daily Quilting or Crafting Projects
I have totally gone to all organic eggs now and I love it! The difference is so obvious–I have found that organic eggs have a richer yolk, the egg stays more compact when you crack it, and the shell is harder. Not to mention taste! And how cool is milk in a...
by IngridBarlow | Feb 10, 2009 | Quilts
I have been enjoying some quiet nights sitting in the rocker, listening to a book on tape,–Ok, that sounds very old lady of me but I am getting back to simpler times–working on a new table runner for Tony’s dresser. I love how simple it is–no...
by IngridBarlow | Feb 7, 2009 | Crafting Concoctions
I love weekends! I hope that wherever your “weekend” falls in the week that you are able to enjoy it fully! My Saturday included making banana bread, delivering patterns to a local shop, chilling at the dog park, homemade soup, and quality sewing room...
by IngridBarlow | Feb 6, 2009 | Crafting Concoctions
Lately I have been working on some rug hooking. This involves taking 1/4″ strips of wool and pulling it through a special fabric, monk’s cloth or burlap, with a little hook. Little loops of wool that make a picture! It’s a good project for sitting...
by IngridBarlow | Feb 3, 2009 | Daily Quilting or Crafting Projects
I made bread this weekend and made a very important discovery. Bread takes a long time to rise and so it is helpful to have other things to do while you wait. Well, I decided to run errands and it took me longer than I expected. So…when you leave bread too...
by IngridBarlow | Jan 29, 2009 | Daily Quilting or Crafting Projects
Special delivery! A relative of Tony, Mavis Pierson, sent me a box plumb full of handkerchiefs that she had. I was delighted by the variety as I went through them! Mavis included a note so that I would know some of the history behind them. She said some were from...
by IngridBarlow | Jan 25, 2009 | Daily Quilting or Crafting Projects
I received a gift card to a book store for Christmas and I have been pondering what to get with it. I actually went to spend it once and could not make up my mind, so I just left empty handed. I’ve had several near purchases, but every time I would tell Tony...
by IngridBarlow | Jan 19, 2009 | Daily Quilting or Crafting Projects
So the other day I had this eerie feeling that someone was following me… Come to find out it was my butt! Totally serious! It all makes perfect sense now… I have been feeling like my pants are a bit high-water lately, but they still fit around the...
by IngridBarlow | Jan 13, 2009 | Uncategorized
I am excited to announce the release of my latest quilt pattern “Northern Tradition.” A picture of the new quilt is below but feel free to click HERE for more information at I also have a few more exciting announcements about my...
by IngridBarlow | Jan 11, 2009 | Crafting Concoctions
This weekend was spent at complete leisure! I took full advantage–a couple of books, two projects, and a movie later… The first project was one that I have been meaning to get to before now but just never did. (I am sure that is a foreign occurrence for...