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Hope Chest

The odds were against us.  Actually 5%.  We were not supposed to have Elias.  But we did–6 months ago today.  He has made my love-tank overflow and I hope and pray that another miracle will come our way.  So here’s to filling that hope chest back up again....

Today I had some fun working on a nursery project.  It has been a project that has come together one little piece at a time.  First I picked up the 3 wooden hoops with a general idea in mind.  Second I bought the fabric with no real idea how I was going to use it....

Homemade Donuts!

I love holiday weekends!  (That said, I am also very aware of the reason for the extra day off work.) Most Saturday mornings I try and make something special for breakfast.  Tony goes in early to work and then comes home around 8:15am.  He loves walking through the...


So sorry I have not posted in almost a week!!!  I have been teaching “wacky crafts” at my church’s vacation bible school all week.  Kindergarten through 5th grade have been keeping me entertained each evening.  Wowza, parents have a big job!  Go, go,...