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Cholesterol Confession.

Cholesterol Confession.

Cholesterol and I have a history. Drat that! I hang my head in shame, but I mostly blame my family. No actually, I do take some responsibility for it. I love my caramel apples just as much as anyone else. So I take fish oil to help with my elevated levels. Only...
Homemade Butter

Homemade Butter

After looking at the book “Home Dairy,” I decided to try making butter. {Book by Ashley English–awesome blog here.} I thought about making the shake in a jar kind so the kids could help, but decided they would shake the jar for 30 seconds and then I...


The other night we had these darling little flour tortillas at some friends house.  She said she saw them at Target and just couldn’t resist.  I promptly decided that the next time I made Mexican, I would make mini tortillas with my press.  The silver circle...

Windfall Perfection

As soon as the weather starts turning cooler, leaves start falling, and the farmer’s markets pick up, I am reminded why I love fall so much!  It just makes me feel comfortable and happy like an old friend.  I started thinking apple orchards a little earlier than...

A day of it.

I think I always enjoyed doing stuff in the kitchen, but when I entered into the Barlow family I really developed a love for cooking/baking.  I take great pride in putting good meals on my family’s table and filling our freezer with homegrown or locally grown...