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Border Tips

Border Tips

So many of my friends are getting into sewing and I can’t tell you how much I LOVE it!!  I was sewing on some borders to a quilt last night and thought I’d take a few quick pictures to help share some of my tips on borders. 1.  Work in a quilt shop.  Just...
Our Local Farm

Our Local Farm

The boys and I took a trip over to our local farm this morning.  I love this place!  The “farmer” farms so smart…he uses every space so well.  He’s smart.  You can just tell.  Here you are looking at the chickens behind all the perfectly...


Oh my, how time flies!  Can it possibly be over a month since I last blogged??!  Oh me of good intentions… I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas holiday season filled with friends and family and the joy that was born to us so long ago!  Now to jump into the...

Ladder Bookshelf!

At Christmas time, my brother got a new metal ladder and was so grateful that he could finally get rid of his old wooden one.  Wooden one!  I had just made a pin on Pinterest about a wooden ladder shelf–perfect!  Our car was so full that we could not bring the...


We had a birthday yesterday–Elias turned 2!  It is so much fun now that he is able to understand and communicate things better.  We woke him up with birthday wishes for the day and then showed him all the decorations.  He wore the crown I made last year, ohhhed...

In My Kitchen: The Grind.

After the kids were in bed last night, I had to get some venison that was thawed ground up.  I was chopping away at silver skin when I thought you might be curious to see how I do this.  Or not.  I decided to ignore the fact that I was in my PJs, glasses on, not a...