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What a man.

Have I ever told you my hubby has some major talent in the kitchen?  He does!  This was not an easy adjustment for me in the first year of marriage since my culinary skills were not as developed as his…and he could not help but “coach” me…but...

High Hopes

The garden is in!  For many of you the gardening season may have started a while ago, but for us here in the midwest it is just beginning to roll. I am the designated weeder at our house and so every year Tony tries to get creative in how to make it as easy as...


I have rhubarb coming out my ears!  I have 3 plants and that is plenty for me!  I thought I would share my top 5 rhubarb recipes with you,  just on the chance that you are in the same boat as me…rhubarb galore…or if you just want to give rhubarb a shot....

Hard Rolls

I said I was going to make them, and I soooo did!  The hard rolls turned out wonderful!  Crusty on the outside and chewy softness on the inside.  It was rather a long haul in the making.  I started them at 8pm last night and we didn’t bite into them until 2:30pm...

{Love life}

Last fall I caught myself softly laughing as I carried a bag of newly purchased yarn to my car.  I was overwhelmed with the pure joy of living and enjoying so many different things.  Knitting, quilting, sewing, scrapbooking, gardening, baking, reading,...

Homemade Chai=Success!

The homemade Chai “sludge” from the last post is a success!  I am so excited to have my own homemade Chai Tea right on hand.  I had to go to the local natural food store to pick up some black tea.  Normally I really don’t like black tea…I think...