by IngridBarlow | Aug 24, 2008 | Daily Quilting or Crafting Projects
I’m back to life! Vacation was fabulous–a true vacation! Here’s the lake through the eyes of a spider. Some of my favorite moments were in the morning as fog and dew rose up through the trees and across the water. Spending time with my family was...
by IngridBarlow | Aug 10, 2008 | Daily Quilting or Crafting Projects
Tony and I are leaving to go visit my parents tomorrow morning at 5 am. I am so excited! My parents live on a beautiful lake in MN and Dakota, my yellow lab, is going to have a blast! Not to mention she has my parents yellow lab to romp around with as well. I plan...
by IngridBarlow | Aug 5, 2008 | Good on the tastebuds
I was paint crazy today! When I have a project that I am excited about, I am known to all out focus on it…perhaps obsess over it. And of course this is not true with all projects–the thrill must be there for me. This afternoon I painted our bedroom wall...
by IngridBarlow | Aug 4, 2008 | Daily Quilting or Crafting Projects
So I did it. I picked out the paint for our house. I could have spent months flip flopping, but I told myself that I just needed to pick them and get it over with. So here’s what I came up with. We are doing most of the house in a very light neutral tan, but...
by IngridBarlow | Aug 3, 2008 | Crafting Concoctions
I love Sundays!!! They are my day of rest and rejuvenation! I allow myself to do whatever I would like, since many times it is my only day of the week off. This frustrates my poor husband terribly, since there is usually much housework to be done, but a girl has to...