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My whimsy

I wanted to do a quilt pattern that included touches of some of the things I love.  I knew Tony would not be a fan of all the extra elements, but I decided to ignore the man’s opinions this go around and just stick with my whimsies.  Here are some pictures of...

A Sneak Peak!

I gave in.  I told myself I could not go to the library and then I did anyways.  You must understand that when I go to the library I cannot resist coming home with a whole stack of books and then nothing else gets done.  I read on my lunch break, during my afternoon...

Sweet Sunday

After a refreshing worship time this morning, I came home to have a little fun with some fabric I bought a month ago for a new quilt pattern!  Oh yes, very exciting…can’t tell you much, but here is a sneak peek of the fabric that will go into it.  Then...