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A day of it.

I think I always enjoyed doing stuff in the kitchen, but when I entered into the Barlow family I really developed a love for cooking/baking.  I take great pride in putting good meals on my family’s table and filling our freezer with homegrown or locally grown...


I had a wonderful weekend of nothing on the schedule!  It feels so good on a Friday night to know that your next “have to” item will not be until Monday morning. It was a beautiful day, so I put a couple of  great-grandma Katie’s quilts out to air. ...


I think this project is so cool!  My walls needed some color down in my “special” room, and so instead of painting I took fabric and liquid starch and made my own wall art.  It is so easy to do!  Take some fabric and cut out the shapes you would like to...

Homemade Laundry Soap

A friend I work with gave me the recipe to make my own laundry soap!  How cool is that!  I made some the other night and it was so easy.  The recipe is below…some of the ingredients may seem difficult to find, but when I went to the store most of them were all...