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Movie Monday–Doughnuts!

I’m sorry I have to do this to you on a Monday morning when I’m sure many of you are hard at work–doughnuts! I discovered that doughnuts are really not that hard to make. One of the worst parts is that your family will be making them disappear as...

Movie Monday–Fresh Pasta

Happy Movie Monday!  Did you know pasta is made out of just a few ingredients?  And you probably already have them in your cupboard!  Check out this video of fresh pasta done rustic style. Fresh Pasta from Ingrid Barlow on Vimeo. Easy Pasta Recipe -2 cups flour -3...

Blue Vista Farm

Last week we had a “stay-cation” at Tony’s parents house.  We based out of their house and every day we had a local adventure.  One day we made a trip up to Lake Superior and did some berry picking.  It is one of our favorite trips and we try to make...

My Poor Gump

I got this cool candle on vacation up in Northern MN.  The candle factory called it a “Gump” candle because it is a ton of little layers of different wax from all their other candle making.  Beautiful!  Basically, a very green candle because they...