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Birthday Boy

Birthday Boy

Espen turns 2 today!  Somehow peanut butter was a new addition to the last birthday crown, so I decided it was a good excuse to make a new one.  I love birthday crowns!  They just make a small person feel special. We also did a little measuring on the birthday banner...

The Handmade Girl

Oh boy, oh boy!  I am so excited to share something I have been working on lately!  An extremely talented friend and I just joined up to form a new “maker” community. My partner in crime is Emily Steffen.  By day she is an amazing photographer and I mean...
Sew Along Saturday!

Sew Along Saturday!

I am so thrilled about an event fellow maker, Emily, and I are doing on Saturday!!  It is called Anthro Inspired Sew Along!  Here’s the low down.  This Saturday from 10-2, we are meeting at Emily’s home, to make this awesome table rug/placemat inspired by...
DIY Curtain Rods

DIY Curtain Rods

Curtains are one of those things that I want to look good and be functional but don’t want to spend the money on. Especially the curtain rods! They always seem to hit me in the gut with their price tag and blahness. So I told Tony that I wanted to try to make our own....
The wonder of command strips.

The wonder of command strips.

Tony and I knocked out some killer projects this weekend! So thrilled about them that I had trouble sleeping Saturday night. {My life must be pretty soft if that’s what keeps me up at night!} More about those projects later. Today I want to show you something I...