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A wee bit of wool.

Today I made a few wool projects in honor of the cooler temps.  These projects are from the very talented and creative Betz White.  I love that she is all about recycling old sweaters and wool items.  I have her book  Warm Fuzzies: 30 Sweet Felted Projects, but have...

The Half

Remember, how I talked about running a 1/2 marathon 2 years ago?? Well, it never happened. A couple months ago, I got sick of saying “someday…” and decided that I better knock some things off the list sooner than later. So, 4 weeks ago I asked my...

Scottie Dog Love

Yesterday and this morning I made Denyse Schmidt’s FREE Scottie Dog pattern.  Denyse has a great website,  She is a wonderful  source of inspiration.  One of my favorite things to do on her website is hit refresh and see all the beautiful...

On the needles.

I won a free Debbie Bliss book over at Susan B. Anderson’s blog–love it! (Susan’s blog and the book.) The book is called Design It, Knit It: Babies and it contains some beautiful patterns but also encourages you to do some designing of your own. Last...