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My kind of weekend!

This weekend was spent at complete leisure!  I took full advantage–a couple of books, two projects, and a movie later… The first project was one that I have been meaning to get to before now but just never did.  (I am sure that is a foreign occurrence for...

A Fresh Start

The first Saturday of the year and the weather forced me to stay inside all day!  I woke to a coating of ice this morning and didn’t realize it until the dog slid down the back deck stairs.  I laughed out loud at her and she looked at me with a bit of contempt. ...


This weekend has been most relaxing.  I have been indoors much of the last two days due to bone chilling temperatures and snow.  My husband is a TV weatherman, and I asked him earlier in the week if we could do something on Sunday afternoon, he looked at me as if...

Christmas is upon me!

So, what’s my excuse for not posting in such a long while??  My answer is that it is very difficult to post on projects that are going to be Christmas gifts come next week.  I don’t want to ruin any surprises!  Christmas gifts have been coming out my ears...

It's a Wonderful Life!

  I had an absolutely wonderful Thanksgiving vacation.  Tony and I spent a couple days with my family and then a couple with his.  This was a true vacation–no agenda, no plans, just whatever.  I spent every night at my parent’s lake house in front of a...