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Movie Monday Vacation!

Hey guys, so sorry that I have been a bad blogger recently! Life has been busy with lefse making, advent festivals, choir rehersals and all the lovely holiday goodness. I am just too swamped to try and do a good Movie Monday so I am going to take a few weeks off and...

Movie Monday–No Bakes!

Here’a a quick favorite recipe of ours that offers almost instant gratification.  They are called No Bakes and are from my mother-in-law, Kriss.  (The master baker/cooker of the family.)  This is a fun recipe to have the young ones help out with, especially at...

No Movie Monday–Boo.

My apologies on not having a Movie Monday up today.  Our camera was at the repair shop and I ditched town in the meantime.  I am spending time with my family and enjoying every moment of it.  I hope you all have a lovely Thanksgiving holiday full of people you love...

Movie Monday–Knit Stitch

I can’t believe I made you a wait a whole week to learn more about knitting!  Actually I wanted to make the knit stitch video on Wednesday last week, but Tony said there was no such thing as a “Movie Wednesday.”  Party pooper.  So here, FINALLY, is...