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A couple days ago, Tony asked me why we didn’t grow fresh herbs inside since we love using them in our cooking.  Good question.  I went down to check out my seed stash, and sure enough I had herb seeds.  Lots of herb seeds.  Like seeds from 2002.  I know I...

Flying Needles

I’ve been doing a lot of knitting lately.  I actually lay awake at night thinking about what projects I am working on and what I want to do next.  I keep telling myself that I am a quilter and should be thinking about new quilting designs.  All well.  The...

Finishing Mood

With baby #2 approaching this summer, I am in a total “finish old projects” mood.  I pulled out this old runner top that was kind of a failed pattern idea and quilted it up.  I actually really like the finished piece, and I am soooo happy with my decision...

Quick Change Trousers

This was one of those projects that I started before Christmas when I was in my total pregnancy-induced craft slump.  I decided to make some Quick Change Trousers from Anna Maria Horner in the hopes that I could whip up a couple more for my nieces for Christmas gifts....

Think Spring!

Right around this time of year I get a major gardening/spring itch.  Every year I crave spring bulbs and wonder how to satisfy this when there are a couple more months of snow left to go.  I called a local nursery and asked about forcing spring bulbs and what my...