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This last week we spent a few days up in one of our favorite places–Bayfield WI.  We met my parents, my brother’s family, and his in-laws from Germany up there.  It was a beautiful drive up, and we felt like the leaves were at peak once we were there.  Gorgeous!!

One afternoon the kids fell asleep in the car after lunch so we drove around on forest roads.  We love exploring and it was a great time for Tony and I.



We took the ferry over to the main island.  It was a bit chilly, but fun to be on the water and see the fall beauty on the shore.

We stayed in a place called “Woodside Cottages” which was perfect.  My parents and our family stayed in one side, and my brother’s family and his in-laws stayed in the other side.


I loved the little fireplaces that heated the rooms.  It just created a very relaxing and cozy atmosphere.


And I took full advantage of the time when this one did this so I could read and knit.


We caught the last day of Bayfield’s Applefest, which was a hit for the boys.

We of course hit a few apple orchards.  This is Elias and his cousins, Liana and Amaya playing school at one of them.  I had one of the most yummy caramel apples at another orchard.


We checked out some of the barns at the orchards and did some dreaming…


And one of my favorite things was just doing some hiking near our cabins with the family.

My brother’s family.  Bjorn, Esther, and the girls, Amaya and Liana.

Our kind of getaway!
