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I must say on this project, I thought  several times that it could be the stupidest thing I have tried to make.  I plugged along though and in the end I think I like it.  The RUG.  I am able to cross it off the list of things to get done before baby arrives in about 2 weeks.

It all started with a little book from Country Threads that I had on my shelf called Rugs From Rags.  I built this wooden frame all by myself…yes, I am proud…and warped it with an old sheet.  I wanted to make it a wool rug so that it would be extra cozy on the feet.  I also wanted to use what I already had on hand so I attempted to dye my wool stash.  The colors were supposed to be red, teal, and gray.  Well, the orange wool I tried TWICE to dye red is still orange, but I now have a red dryer.  Lovely.



Here I am at the start of the weaving process.  I think this is where I am thinking that this might be a really stupid project.  Plus, I am sweaty and largely pregnant so I don’t think that helped.

@ingridbarlow whipping up a wool rug for the new babies room.


Finally, after a few nights of hot weaving I finished!  I was worried that I wouldn’t have enough wool and I ended up being just short.  I ran downstairs and found a white tweed wool sweater to get me by.  I think the wool sweater might be one of my favorite things about the rug.


I had a horrid time trying to get the rug off the frame.  I pulled  and heaved as much as I thought a pregnant girl should, and then I decided that I would have to call in the man-power the next day.  It didn’t take him too long to get it.  What a sport!


So, the rug is complete and “relaxing” in the babies room.  I walk on the edges every time I go in there to try and help it lay flat.  It will…eventually.



There will be more rugs in my future, but for now I am good with this one.  And wool rug making may be a winter project for non-pregnant people.  Just a thought.