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On the needles.

I won a free Debbie Bliss book over at Susan B. Anderson’s blog–love it! (Susan’s blog and the book.) The book is called Design It, Knit It: Babies and it contains some beautiful patterns but also encourages you to do some designing of your own. Last...

Elias’ little shoes

The last two nights, after the little one is put to bed, I have enjoyed some knitting time.  I used some suede bottom soles to make him his own little muk luk type shoes.  I think they turned out so cute.  I am excited about using them all winter long.  I am all about...

Darn Knit Anyway

A couple weeks ago I visited a new-to-me knitting shop in Stillwater MN called Darn Knit Anyway.  Ummm…if you are in the area you should totally make a visit! The building has so much charm and doesn’t that make your shopping experience so much better?!...

2 down, 3 to go

Daffy got a new friend last night.  Meet Chrysanthemum.  (I know a silly long name, but do you remember that children’s book about Chrysanthemum the mouse…) She will be hanging out with Daffy in the crib once the project is complete. For now, they are...

Curly Snake

Meet Curly.  He is our newest friend from Itty Bitty Toys. He is incredibly cute!  Snakes are one critter that I have a high aversion to.  Most of the time I try to be pretty macho about things, but not so with snakes.  I think it all started when my 5th grade teacher...