by IngridBarlow | Sep 14, 2012 | Simply Domestic
One of the best things about having kids is you get to totally relive childhood joys and at the same time make all the choices. Example=Today at the farmer’s market I wanted pumpkins, so I made the lovely decision of having Elias pick out a pumpkin for himself...
by IngridBarlow | Oct 13, 2008 | Crafting Concoctions
This is a wool project that I completed a couple weeks ago. It was so much fun to do and turned out absolutely darling. I used a product called lite fusible web to stick the wool shapes onto the wool background, and then I just hand stitched around the pieces. It...
by IngridBarlow | Sep 5, 2008 | Crafting Concoctions
It is starting to feel like fall around here and I just love it! I get excited for the smell of smoky bonfires, crunching leaves under your feet, and time to sit wrapped up in a quilt with a cup of something hot to drink. This wool penny rug got me in the mood of...