Today it’s all about cloth diapers! Before you think that there is no way you could ever try cloth, open your mind, watch the video, and think of all the CASH you’ll save! Plus you can promise the reluctant spouse that you will take care of all the poopy diapers. (It’s really not that bad.) Below the video I give you some helpful links on cloth diapers and some additional info. Enjoy!
Cloth Diapers from Ingrid Barlow on Vimeo.
Elegant Mommy–Shelly’s store in Sioux Falls, SD. They would be happy to answer questions and totally get you on your way to being a successful cloth diaper user. You can order your diapers online and they will send them your way!
SouleMama–cloth diapering section in her book “Handmade Home” plus other good advice and ideas
I really can’t say what I prefer, FuzziBunz or Thirsties. They both have their own perks. I do like the options.
FuzziBunz–one size fits all, great overnight, baby feels dry, snap closure.
Thirsties–cheaper but 2 different sizes, I can use the cover more than once before I wash it, will help with potty training, no leakage ever!
I will admit that I did not go the cloth route until Elias was about 2 months old. With him being our first baby, the thought of trying to use cloth in the beginning was very overwhelming. I was just trying to keep the child alive. Once I gave cloth a try, it was a very easy transition and I would never dream of going back.
Very very cool. Love the movie monday idea…just found your site via elegantmommy on Facebook.
LOVE the little movie on cloth diapering. I work at a center right now, and it kills me to take out those giant garbage bags of disposables! i found out the other day that my center goes through 96,000 disposables a year! I honestly wanted to cry. I really want to use cloth diapers when we have kids, a bunch of my friends with kids use cloth diapers and haven’t spent much over 300 dollars total. I imagine if you breast fed, and cloth diapered, you’d save so much money over using disposables and formula. plus, you are doing the environment a huge favor! Way to go Ingrid for being such an earth friend momma! p.s. love your blog!!!