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Meant to have this project done before Espen arrived, but…you know how that goes.

I took little wooden hoops–available at your local craft store–and fused each letter of his name in them with fabric scraps.  I used different size hoops, placed the screw in random positions, and wonkied them up when I hung them.

After I fused the letters to the muslin background, I used the free-motion foot on my sewing machine to “scribble” around the edges.  This step is not necessary since you already fused it, but it adds some interest and texture.

This was about a one hour project…a good thing with 2 little ones!



With peaches being so good lately, I have made 3 of these peach cobblers!!  Thank you Paula Deen!   Here is this easy scrumptastic recipe! Check out the video too!