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Welcome to the garden! This is our main entrance…an old pasture gate from the property entangled with vines. The perfect way to say “come on in.”
Espen and I had about a half hour in the garden this morning after we dropped Elias off at Vacation Bible School, so we decided to do some harvesting.
The cilantro needed a hair cut and it will be perfect in our enchiladas tonight for supper.
The lettuce is growing strong and didn’t mind a newly 3 year old practicing his cutting skills on it. I’m thinking we might put up a little shade on the lettuce area to help keep it from bolting and getting bitter once the hot weather rolls in. It would be nice to have fresh lettuce all summer long! We will see.
I keep watching these beauties…Indigo Rose tomatoes. The green areas will blush pink/red soon and then they will be ready. They are such a pretty tomato and delicious too!
The old tractor in the orchard always makes me smile. The daisies growing around it just make the scene perfect.
Espen is a good little helper and wanted to haul the basket for me.
We made quite a load in a short time. {The flowers are zinnias and make a nice splash of color in the garden. We try and plant flowers in and among the vegetables. Not all my flowers made it this year, but the zinnias tend to be reliable year after year.}
Once I got home, I threw the greens {kale, turnip, collards} in a big bowl of water to keep them from wilting. We will use most of them in salads and juices in the next couple days. Basil and Tarragon are also tucked in the water since they do best fresh and not dried.
The cucumbers were a total surprise to me! I was not expecting them to be ready yet. Oh boy! We will use them in salads, juice, pickles and relish.
Green beans are going strong too. I picked enough for a couple days. This year I want to do more Dilly Beans. We loved them last year. Basically a green bean that is just like a pickle!
The thyme and oregano also got a hair cut. I like to keep the herbs picked since I think they do better…grow bushier and continue to grow nicely through the summer. I enjoy thyme and oregano fresh or dried, so I will place these on an old window screen until they crisp up. Then jar them so I have herbs all year round.
And finally the salad spinner that overflows these days. My spirit and body love the fresh food!
If you are in the Hudson area and want some fresh produce, come see us! Barlow Roots!!