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Near the beginning of summer I saw that Read Aloud Revival was joining up with Jamie Martin at Simple Homeschool, for a summer reading club. Jamie just released her book “Give Your Child the World” and so it was a chance to “travel” the world via books. It was perfect!! It was a casual, go at your own pace, kind of thing. We read books I never would have without Jamie’s book suggestions. It wasn’t school, but it certainly kept us learning new things and spending time reading together. And all for the price of the book ($10 or less on Amazon!) and a free library card!!! So worth the “journey” for us. Here’s some pics from our summer.

Elias gives “Boxes for Katje” 5 stars! We had to add this book to our collection. So inspiring!

And here is our homemade piñata. Made with flour paste! A fun project for all of us.?