I went to a “Chicken Mingle” on Saturday! How cool is that?!
It was basically a local place that was hosting an event all about raising chickens…in the city! Yes, yes, I would love to have chickens. For eggs. Then for meat. (Oh that does sound terrible, but true.) So the place that hosted it was called The Third Place. I am really going to keep my eye on their activities, because, well in their words, “The Third Place is a non-traditional school located in central Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Our goal is to strengthen community while rekindling traditional arts in various media, including wood, fiber, paper, and steel.” Totally my kind of thing! It was a cool little place with lots of gorgeous wood. (due to all the wood working stuff they do.)
I did manage to get Tony to go with me. He was not superly duperly excited like me, but I told him it was like a date for us and there would be wood fired pizzas there. I’m sure the date comment is what totally did the trick.
Anyways on to chickens. We basically came away from the event with the knowledge that we could totally raise 3-6 chickens in our little backyard even with a dog and 2 small children. Here’s some of the other tid-bits I learned.